Download Game For Ps2 Hardisk

Any serious PlayStation 2 (PS2) gamer knows the frustrations when it comes to playing the most graphically intense games. There is often a tremendous load time associated with getting from the point of putting the PS2 game disc into the console, and having it load the game. Game Black PS2 ISO Download Gratis Full Version Download Setup File. Game Black PS2 ISO Download Gratis Full Version adalah sebuah download game gratis perang yang paling populer di Jaman Playstation 2 yang diterbitkan pada 11 Februari 2005.Game ini dikembangkan oleh Criterios Software dan diterbitkan oleh Electronic Arts yang pernah mendapatkan penghargaan nominasi Video Game BAFTA. See answers to frequently asked questions here and ask your questions. Request here your games. Memindahkan Game Kaset Ps2 Ke Flashdisk Hardisk is popular Free Mp3. You can download or play Memindahkan Game Kaset Ps2 Ke Flashdisk Hardisk with best mp3 quality.

a hard drive is coming to the playstation 2. that's right, pretty soon ps2 fans will be able to add a 40 gb hard drive to their consoles. the drive is slated to be released in time with the u.s. release of final fantasy xi, which will require both the hard drive and a broadband/network adapter for play. both the game and drive are set for next year. ffxi, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, will be set in a persistent world that “keeps evolving, growing and developing,” even when gamers aren't around to watch. according to seca, the game will also allow ps2 gamers to interact with pc gamers in two versions of the game–that's got to be a first. the game apparently includes more than 100 areas to explore and loads of different climates and races. it will be interesting to see how the pc/ps2 interaction will work. i'm also curious about how useful the hard drive will be outside the ff game … will ps2 owners be able to save to disk in other games now?

user comments 187 comment(s)

hmm(7:30am est tue may 27 2003)
maybe they should work on ps2 graphics first, my dreamcast looks better and runs faster than a ps2, i also hope its not some proprietary garbage that only ps2 games can read and write from, but more like xbox where you can even put media and waht not onto it by che
if only(7:31am est tue may 27 2003)
everyone had an xbox, then they would already have all of this and wouldn't need to wait for sony to get with the program. by xb0x 0wnz
just like sega(8:04am est tue may 27 2003)
sony will need alot of games to support and use this in thoughtful ways for this to be succesful. if it doesnt get support it will become like so many of the sega addons. hmm maybe a web browser would be nice by dorion
marketing(8:10am est tue may 27 2003)
gawd get with the times sony. i can already buy dvd players, hi-fis, consoles and probably even a washing machine with a hdd in it

this is another one of those sony ploys (like the pstwo) to kick the life out of the ps2 and then start selling the ps3 when sales get low by psfoo

copying xbox(8:22am est tue may 27 2003)
all sony is trying to do is copy microsoft with there xbox. by webcon (xbox owner)
this is for linux no doubt(8:31am est tue may 27 2003)
considering how many people want to run linux on playstation 2, even the new supercomputer. xbox sucks anyway. by the scavenger
webcon (xbox owner)(8:36am est tue may 27 2003)
they must be copying since ps2 was released before the xbox and there just happens to be a drive bay already inside the ps2 for the hard drive to connect to? i am not saying this is a good investment, however i suggest that you look into things like this (add on bays) before you make smartass comments about something you don't know about. by getoutofthebox
why not buy a computer???(8:43am est tue may 27 2003)
gaming consoles are increasingly becoming small form factor computers. i recently had to make a decision wheteher to purchase a new computer (becuase i was running a pii 350 mhz) or buy a playsatation2. i also needed a new dvd player because mine was crapping out. i ended up purchasing a pc, and iv'e got to say it was not a bad decision at all. iv'e got more memory on my video card then the playstation2 has in the whole system, and that doesn't include the one gig i have on my system… i opted for a new dvd player in my new pc so i took care of that too. i purchased madden 2003 and compared loading time to a ps2, and there is no comparison, my pc smokes that too. the new ps3 is going to come with a 40 gb drive, big deal… i'm running a 20 gb 7200 rpm as my os/program drive and have (2) 40 gb running serial ata mirroring each other (for my data). seems like sony is already going to be one step behind my pc with their new ps3. i know hardcore gamers arent going to just toss out there playstations, game cubes, and xboxes.. but think about this, i spent as much on my pc as buying 2 playstation2's and i have a helluva alot more functionality then a ps2 or ps3 will ever have. just some food for thought gamers. by neo
correction(8:49am est tue may 27 2003)
the linux kit was the first time a 40 gig hd was released for the ps2. its been out for over a year now. the hd isnt a new item. i love , keep up the good work. by livegamer
so basically it's the linux kit for ps2(8:54am est tue may 27 2003)
200$ for the kit, 40$ for the game… that's an expensive game to play. i have to admit… i love my xbox… no need to spend 240$ extra for a network adapter and a harddrive. by lmao
well done(8:57am est tue may 27 2003)
so even a year ago it was out of date and still getting beaten by the latest and cheaper pcs

oh and i doubt only a handful of ps2 owners have heard of linux by psfoo

funny(8:59am est tue may 27 2003)
where are all the sony fans who trash xbox for having a hard drive??? isn't the ps2 just a computer now guys??? anyway, i think it's great and 40gigs!! nice touch. by strict9
new?(9:07am est tue may 27 2003)
umm, i don't know if ya'll known this, but you could get a hard drive for it for years, came with the linux kit. by simontek
idiots(9:10am est tue may 27 2003)
one – the linux kit already has its own hard disk that can only work with linux.

two – xbox sucks, microsoft cant even build a proper controller for goodness sake. by bleh

lol(9:12am est tue may 27 2003)
it's a good thing it's coming out on pc too… i guess that's where their income will come from… i can't see anyone spending that much cash on this game. by lmao
re: neo(9:29am est tue may 27 2003)
just wait until that new pc of yours is unable to play the latest games(in about 6 months or so)… and wait until your hard drive fills up…

for a more reliable gaming experience, go with one of the consoles like xbox or gamecube. for less than $200, you'll be able to play the latest games for the next couple of years and you won't have to upgrade your console every six months like you will the pc… by jj

is the ps2 a computer now??(9:33am est tue may 27 2003)
of course it is you idiots. the first nintendo was a computer, every video game system was a computer. your freakin dvd player is a computer. the difference is that it is not an x86 like the xbox. sony developed the ps2 while micrsoft only developed its security bios, the rest of the xbox specs were developed long ago by many other companies. then again think of the fanbase apple would have if they released a g4 console. istation?? by loki
Free download game for ps2
geeze(9:44am est tue may 27 2003)
more children crying about which console has better graphics.

i've said it again, graphics don't mean squat, its the enjoyment you get out a game that matters.

who cares if the dreamcast has better graphics then the ps2, where is the dreamcast today?

anyways, i won't be running out and buying a hard drive for my ps2 either. the hard drive was a nice gimick for the xbox, to try and differentiate itself from the ps2, but was there any real reason for the hard drive, other then to store and rip cd's onto it??? the other only reason was to offer disk space to save anything downloaded from the xbox live network, which wasn't up and running until a year after the xbox was released, and then only used to download patches for poorly designed games.

any game that require more then a few megs of storage capacity to save your progress are not designed well to begin with. adding $100 extra to a game console to take care of what a $20 accessory could handle isn't smart economics.

quite personally, i liked the fact that sony didn't force me to have to pay extra for hardware i wasn't going to use. i don't use a game console for dvd movies either, so why pay for an included remote control. if and when there is a “must have” game that requires a hard drive, then i will pick one up. if microsoft followed the same philosophy with the xbox, and only sold the hard drive as an add on, thus reducing the overall cost of the unit, and the cost of producing the unit, then maybe they would finally be turning a profit on xbox hardware sales.

anyways, my point is, what should drive gamers to buying a console or accessory is agame you must have, or a game that requires it, not whether or not a console theoretically has better graphics, or comes included with features that “may” be used. by topher

didn't force you to pay extra????(10:33am est tue may 27 2003)
topher, the ps2 and xbox sell for the exact same price here in the states, sony forces you to pay extra for everything else, the xbox does game saves to the hard drive, as well as the other media so sony is forcing you to pay extra to save games (and when that one fills up you'll need another one unless you want to delete saves)! the xbox comes with 4 controller ports, ps2 you have to buy an extra device to have 4 players, to be fair i'll call that a wash with the fact that the ps2 plays dvds without having to buy the dvd remote. microsofts far from perfect but so is the ps2, but selling at the same price the xbox is a better value. i like both machines and will have all three come june (xbox, ps2, and gcn) but i realize the limitations af them all. btw about the linux harddrive, it only works for linux and not ffxi. also neither drive replaces the memory card for all games saves, i think sony should fix that as well. i do applaud sony on the new version coming out in june that gives progressive scan dvds and bundles the network adaptor. ms needs to respond to that. by notnormal23224
by responds i mean the …(10:35am est tue may 27 2003)
progressive scan dvd support, since the xbox has the nic built in already. by notnormal23224
notnormal23224 got you…(10:59am est tue may 27 2003)
topher…he got you real good.

anyway…who cares who has the better console…each to his own. personally i will not have either…rather just have my pc.

just funny that sony makes you pay for this extra equipment for basically one game. slated for next year…when is ps3 suppose to come out. will this upgrade be the windows me of console updates? by intiminidator

yup(11:33am est tue may 27 2003)
i agree with intimidator, i'm sure those waiting for this game aren't going to be happy to have to fork out extra $$$ to be able to play it…reminds me of majora's mask on n64, you couldn't play it without a memory pack (sold by nintendo of course) it cost an additional $20…total game cost with the stinkin' card was over 75 bucks, and i felt that the first game, ocarina of time was w-a-a-a-y better. by thor
consoles are dead(11:36am est tue may 27 2003)
the console as all you fanboys know it is dead. its only a matter of time before a console is simply a scaled down pc clone focused on gaming. the only reason to buy a console is if you want to play games but you cant afford 700 bucks for a decent computer. pretty soon a console will play exactly the same games as the pc, you just wont be able to do alot of productivity type things with a console.
microsoft got into the console business to do just that. when the new version of windows comes out it will play xbox and xbox 2 games. its just meant to be a gamers alternative to a pc. what does this mean? as computer infiltrate households even more and conectivity becomes better, (so you can play your pc games infront of your tv or monitor whereever you happen to be easily) the console will be phased out. it will be a pc compatable gaming device. by 2cent
my bigget peeve(11:37am est tue may 27 2003)
the one thing that really gets me about all the xbox fans is the hard drive. first anyone who is serious about their mp3's or music storage will not be ripping them and storing them on the xbox. there isn't enough room to hold the collection i have now. my laptop makes a better music solution due to its portability, and my desktop can many times over what the xbox could ever dream of holding. the other piece of the hard drive problem is storing save game info. sure you can store your stuff on that hard drive, great you didn't have to spend $20 on a memory card, but what if you want to take your character or save game to a friends?? ohh a memory card that costs aditional money. how big are the save game data files for the xbox?? they must be huge if you are gonna fill up a multi-gigyte hard drive, i have saved games on my ps2 memory cards for over a year and a half now for at least 20 games with multiple characters or seasons or whatever and still have yet to delete my saved games from when i first got my ps2. i think the hard drive issue is way overplayed as it is not really needed, that is unless you buy microsfot games and they have to be patched because they don't test their products thouroughly. by getoutofthebox
fao getoutofthebox(11:47am est tue may 27 2003)
“they must be copying since ps2 was released before the xbox and there just happens to be a drive bay already inside the ps2 for the hard drive to connect to? i am not saying this is a good investment, however i suggest that you look into things like this (add on bays) before you make smartass comments about something you don't know about. – by getoutofthebox”

actually, the original release ps2's didn't have an internal drive bay. if i recall correctly, the pal systems were the first to have the bay included. the originals also required the dvd movie player software to be on a memory card – which again was changed for the pal releases.
before you make smartass comments… -) by meanface

look at the specs(11:57am est tue may 27 2003)
you really need to take a look at the specs. the ps2 hardware is much more advanced than the xbox. it's processor is a 128bit chip, and the emotion engine is a better graphics chip than the nvidia in the box. the difference is that the nvidia chip has been around for awhile and has a a lot of effects that are built in, where as that ps2's emotion engine can do the same effects it just has to be done in software. so coders have to be more efficient at what they do. as for the hard drive the ps2 in japan have had a hard drive for a long time. however it was not deemed necessary to bring to the states, as only a few games take advantage of the hard drive. the only plac the box beats the ps2 is in sound.
oh and how many games can you play on the box?…
next time look at the specs and figure out what you are looking at. its not mhz for mhz…. the processors and bus are totally different. in raw power the ps2 wins hands down. by knowwhattheymean
knowwhattheymean(12:12pm est tue may 27 2003)
they only place the xbox beats the ps2 is sound??? you say the ps2 has a better graphics chip but the evidence is in the games. if you can say that the ps2 has better graphics than the xbox then your on crack. plus the xbox has far better dvd playback. more games does not = better games. don't get me wrong, the ps2 is great but not better. but, to each there own. by strict9
getoutofthebox(12:16pm est tue may 27 2003)
are you the same sony fanboys that were making fun of the xbox a year ago cause it had a hard drive? i said it long ago that the same people who diss the box will change thier story when the ps2 starts doing the same thing . . . and i was right. by strict9
wheres the proof?(12:32pm est tue may 27 2003)
you cant say sony has better hardware when theres no proof. i dont care if its got a 128bit processor, the proof is on the screen. in the past people could argue that this platform was more advanced beacuse there were a few titles out there to back it up. i've never seen a ps2 game that looks better than a great game on the xbox or the nintendo for that matter. so while you can claim its a better system if it never materializes then it really doesnt matter. by 2cent
cool(1:01pm est tue may 27 2003)
xbox already is a computer now the ps2 will be a pc also. by sweet
sour grapes(1:03pm est tue may 27 2003)
xbox people are just jealous that they don't get to play ffx or ffx-2. sad little puppies. however, i won't be playing ffxi on my ps2 cos i'll be playing it on my pc. by supperman
meanface(1:07pm est tue may 27 2003)
actually, the original release ps2's didn't have an internal drive bay. if i recall correctly, the pal systems were the first to have the bay included. the originals also required the dvd movie player software to be on a memory card – which again was changed for the pal releases.
before you make smartass comments… -) – by meanface

i did not mention the previous hardware revisions, however it is my understanding that the hard drive slot was available in the us versions on the initial release, my fault for not specifying the hardware revision. i didn't want to confuse webcon.

“the ps2 was released in the united states in late october. the u.s. version contains an open slot for hard drives and other hardware, but no hard drives have hit the market yet. “

i did not comment on the dvd portion, but you are correct about the memory card for inital dvd playback by getoutofthebox

re: getoutofthebox(1:12pm est tue may 27 2003)
well… that just goes to show that sony was copying microsoft according to pre release specs. by lmao
strict9(1:13pm est tue may 27 2003)
you must have missed the above post.

“i am not saying this is a good investment…”

i don't think i made fun of it, i might have questioned the necessity of the hard drive, much like i am dong now for the ps2, and i am hardly a fanboy. my main point for the hard drive is not really needed, extra money will be spent on the ps2 or extra money would have be saved on the xbox if it was left optional. you still have to get memory cards to go to a friends house, and if that hard drive is really that important, a simple shark kit will let you store ps2 games to your pc (i think). bottom line is it is extra money that could be spent on something else by getoutofthebox

re: supperman(1:26pm est tue may 27 2003)
yes… all xbox fanboys are just so jealous of those ps2 owners that will play on their pcs. however they won't be playing ffxi on their xbox cos they'll be playing it on their pcs.
sad little puppies are smarter than ps2 owners. by lmao
re: jj(1:30pm est tue may 27 2003)
fortunateley for me, my last pc which was the pii350 mhz with 312 meg of ram lasted me 4 years. now that i'm in the ghz range with my new pc and i have more processing power on my video adapter than a ps2 has in the whole system, it is very very doubtful that my pc will be outdated in 6 months. sure, if i wouldv'e been a dope and bought a run of the mill dell, or gateway i would need to be upgrading in 6 months. yet, i built this pc myself taking into consideration how long it needs to last me. i promise that the ps3 will not touch my pc. however, i may not have the game selection that the playstation has, but i guarantee it will outlast the ps3 and blow it away…pretty cool since the ps3 isn't even out yet!!!! by neo
re: loki(1:35pm est tue may 27 2003)
actually without the hard drive, the ps2 can't be “classified” as a computer becuase it has no storage…one of the four prerequisits of being a pc. it is more or less along the lines of a terminal. by just trying 2 help
re: just trying 2 help(1:44pm est tue may 27 2003)
where you get your definition of computer…
a computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digital data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how data is to be processed.
hence the ps2 is a computer harddrive or not, memory card or not by lmao
duhh(2:24pm est tue may 27 2003)
i ask all of you sad pathetic gamers to stop your whining, and listen while i learned you somthing.

first- the xbox is the most powerful system on the market. heck even the gamecube is more powerful than the ps2.
but as said in the past who cares about hardware, if software does not show of the hardware. all ps2 games have patchy graphics, this may be due to their 147 mhz graphics chip compared to xbox 233 mhz.
enough said about hardware, let the software talk:

brute force
ghost recon
halo 2
doom iii
half life 2
project gothem racing i and ii
star wars: knights of the republic

second- the xbox requires a $30 dollar remote to play dvds but the ps2 requires a $30 dollar remote to play the new dvd's so stop complaining

third- the hard drive is used for the lame use of saving games and music to it. you think bill gates would allow a harddrive the most expensive piece of hardware in the box just to save games, idiots. the games on the xbox us the harddrive to:
save games
save media
save downloadable content j( kola cell and such)
speed up load times and in game caching
games such as fable and blinx use it for constant read and write

this is just touching the bigging of the uses for the hardrive, so please stop your freakan whining about the harddrive because you illiterate gamers don't know how much you use your harddrive.

fourth- the xbox is filled with extra features that add to the overall gaming experience.

5.1 in game surround sound with a true dolby digital stream
hdtv support
xbox live (per one gamertag and such, unlike the ps2 developer based online concept)

fifth- the price of the ps2 if i was to buy it now:

$15.00-dvd remote (play all dvds)
$40.00-network adapter
$20.00-memory card
$30.00-multi tap (4 controllers)

the price of the xbox if i was to buy it now:

$30.00- dvd remote

need i say more:

it is not the world that confines you, you yourself are the world, which holds you so fast a prisoner with yourself in yourself. ~angelus silesius

email me at “” by allheck

re: allheck(2:41pm est tue may 27 2003)
you forgot to mension when a mmorpg with monthly updates comes out on xbox, people won't have to shell out for the harddrive and network adpater. by well said though.

Download Ps2 Games On Usb

the only reason…(2:53pm est tue may 27 2003)
microsoft put the hard drive in there was so you can get a fix for their crappy games. if they would take some time and put some effort into programming the games and debugging them, you wouldn't need to patch them.

now look at ps2 and gc…no need to patch games because they are done with quality to start with. by quality not quantity

duhh(2:59pm est tue may 27 2003)
my last post i forgot to list my source for the specs on the three consoles:

ecs.asp” by allheck

re: quality not quantity(3:04pm est tue may 27 2003)
first thing first the only game that has as of yet required a patch is unreal championship, and let me remind you the game is not owned by microsoft nor is it developed by microsoft.

in fact the microsofts games are the highest quality on the market, hence halo, brute force.

so i have one thing to ask of you “quality not quantity” read my quote and gravel. by allheck

really…(3:14pm est tue may 27 2003)
mech assault
ghost recon
unreal championship

all had something that was fixed in a patch or add-on. by

lmao(3:35pm est tue may 27 2003)
if i recall correctly, a computer by today's standards is made up of four parts:

back in the day before storage and whatnot, anything that could add 1 and 1 and get 2 would have been considered a computer, but meanings change. i think he was referenceing the connotation of computer, rather than hard denotation. by nyeark

well that's three, but…..(3:36pm est tue may 27 2003)
what about the fact that different itterations of the usa released playstations have problems with games? i thought that was a very funny fact that some newer games have problems with launch date ps2s (loved the conversation at the local eb over when customers bring back gamees that work on the store box and not at home and the first question is “when did you buy your ps2?”. all companies have problems, i do applaud sony for redesigning their box to make it more competetive, but all of that is still a stopgap. ms made the mistake with the controller (don't get me wrong duke fans i love the original), the mistake was not giving the consumer the option of which size they wanted (the big one works for me, no cramps like i get with the ps2) and of course making dvd playback an option. nintendo, well come on guys why not use a standard size dvd? multidisk games are a pain (but you would still have to pry the wavebird from my dead corpse before i use another gcn controller) the three games mentioned were xbox live! enabled titles, originally ms frowned heavily on patches and the like but the fact that live allowed downloadable levels, let developers put there foot in the door to do patches. two of those games also gave you additional levels and content as well as patches so it is a double edge sword. trust me folks all developers make goofs when programming, it is nice though to have a way to fix them, but heaven help us all when it becomes a crutch! by notnormal23224
re: nyeark(4:10pm est tue may 27 2003)
cds/dvds are storage and so are memory cards. by lmao
memory cards(5:12pm est tue may 27 2003)
memory cards would be considered storage devices but wouldn't cds/dvds be considered input devices?

no consoles offer cd-r or dvd-r so it shouldn't be considered a storage device. by rocketpig

reply to allheck(5:23pm est tue may 27 2003)
hey you forgot about the harddrive that xbox has and that ps2 dont by madskillzphan
xbox sucks(5:31pm est tue may 27 2003)
i haven't played a single game on xbox besides halo that holds my attention for more than a minute. i get friggin bored playing the demos at stores. i'll never buy an xbox, and sign away my life to xbox live. wait untill they start charging you for the content you used to get for free. i'd rather see sony and nintendo get together before i ever buy an xbox. by downwithm$
no(5:33pm est tue may 27 2003)
dvd/cds are removable storage. a mouse is an input device. by yes
getoutofhebox(5:41pm est tue may 27 2003)
did not mean to direct that at you, you just brought it to my attention. i remember the assult the xbox took for having a hard drive.

it also pisses me off that people consider downloadable content and patches a bad thing for the xbox. you see allot of the same faults in other consoles games but you just have to live with them. you think the developers will bring it to your attention if they can't offer you a fix. by strict9

good lord(7:38pm est tue may 27 2003)
this blurb is chock full of fanboys–both microsoft and sony. get a life and grow up, kids. stop bickering about which system is better, and which system copied from which. if you don't like it then don't by the fucking thing and stop bitching. by ipod owner est tue may 27 2003)
go to my website for information on xbox and xboxlinux and xbox modchips and the new xbox music mixer which lets your xbox become more like a pc . by xboxowns
wow(10:42pm est tue may 27 2003)
how much to you pay to support that piece of crap? by me
stupid geeks(10:50pm est tue may 27 2003)
ps 2 is a game system. is not a fucking pc. dont get confuse with it just like stupid xbox try to load windows inside it. fuck it. xbox still a loser, by squarebox
xxx(10:53pm est tue may 27 2003)
if you want a pc why dont you just go get one but not try to work your xbox like pc. oh yeah one thing. that xbox really look like a huge box by xsquare
wow(10:58pm est tue may 27 2003)
if you want to buy a system that allow you to play games. good. ps2 is the first choice. xbox. no way. i probably spent 300 usd to get a cheap pc with amd 1800 mhz and 60 gb harddriver dvd rom with 256 ddr ram. fuck the xbox it just a box with no keyboard. how could it be pc. by wow
xbox vs ps2(11:10pm est tue may 27 2003)
xbox(personal computer with game consoles) ps2(game consoles). xbox(got nothing look like pc but it got intel inside, but is not a pc, game sonsle, but no good games to suppore it, forget about it.) ps2(game system it just allow you to play games and watch dvd movie. ok.) yea. i just want a game system that i could play games with it. fuck the downloading and harddriver. i have my own pc to handle the job for me, game is game. pc is pc. is different shit. so fuck those who get stupid idea about xbox could work as pc. by billgate
60th post!!!(11:24pm est tue may 27 2003)
'nuff said by the man
proofsinthepuddin(1:34am est wed may 28 2003)
i have a dreamcast,ps2 and an xbox, so i just judge which one is better buy how much i use them, and it is in this order…90%-xbox…….8%dreamcast and 2%ps2(gta3), i hate m$ but i have to say going back to the ps2 now feels like going back to the ps1 after i got the ps2, i dont care about which one has the better specs, i just play the games…i do prefer xbox graphics and love the 5.1 in game audio and xbox live completes the picture for me. but if you prefer ps2 thats fine for you, hell some people prefer the sound of the old vinyl records as opposed to cd's so each to their own…..anyway must get back to xboxlive… by dogsbody (xboxlive)
consoles…..(6:04am est wed may 28 2003)
gimme a break . emulation is the future of games. by tim_4_2003
re: squarebox(7:39am est wed may 28 2003)
if ps2 is a game system why is sony selling it as a computer entertainment system??? by lmao
re: lmao(9:57am est wed may 28 2003)
a “computer entertainment system” is basically the technical term for a gaming system. the x-box is a “computer gaming system”–so is the game cube and even the atari. hell, your watch could be called a “computerized timepiece.” practically everything has some sort of computer inside it. by ipod owner
re: ipod owner(10:40am est wed may 28 2003)
my point exactly… why is it all ps2 fanboys can't see that their ps2 is a computer. by lmao
lmao(11:58am est wed may 28 2003)
i agree! by strict9
to pc or not to pc(2:31pm est wed may 28 2003)
ipod owner / lmao

i agree with you guys, i like the ps2, however i can't agree with the rest of the ps2 “fanboys” as you call them, mainly because of my knowledge of pc and such devices. this goes to those that disagree that the ps2 is not a computer. just because a device does not have a hard drive, it is not automatically disqualified as a computer. the ps2 can run linux with the purchased kit, for that it is obviously a computer, however before installing the hard drive, you may think a question remains. all the necessary components that would qualify it as a computer are present including memory. the bios, a memory card, ram, gpu, controllers,output … its all there. what is a palm? or a pocket pc? they don't have “hard drives” but they are considered computers, they store their data in memory. 13 year olds need not reply. i agree with the ps2 non-“fanboys” the ps2 xbox gamecube, anything that can execute instructions is probably a computer of some sort. by getoutofthebox

omg(3:26pm est wed may 28 2003)
no good games for xbox?? i can name 20 games right now.. you ps2 fanboys can't name more thank 8. the only thing that kept ps2 alive was gta… gta was just a cheap game made by rockstar to make “gangstas” like the game.. making it popular.. if you can mention 8 games right now.. (not games that came out for all 3 systems!!!) then maybe i might consider of thinking ps2 comes somewhat close to xbox. real gamers know xbox is better… fanboys believe ps2 is better. by ps2sucks
xbox is way better(3:34pm est wed may 28 2003)
you know why game consoles are good?? cause they got awesome games and the controllers are cool. you know why pc is cool??? cause you can download stuff. you know why xbox is good?? cause you can you both things.. now shut the fuck and know who the master of gaming is. xbox by xboxownsps2
ps2sucks(4:00pm est wed may 28 2003)
can you name 20 “great” or even “good” xbox games that don't crossover to multiple platforms?

by a definition of good i mean ones that everyone thinks are good or great, not just you. by getoutofthebox

mention 8 games right now..(4:31pm est wed may 28 2003)

gran turismo iii a-spec

tekken 4

metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty
(depends on the definition of exclusive since the title is different, but i believe it is pretty much the same game?)

kingdom hearts


time splitters 2

dark cloud


there are my 9, where are your 20+ awesome games?? by woahbob

re: ps2sucks(4:33pm est wed may 28 2003)
how old are you, 12? how dare you call other people “ps2 fanboys” when you've written that biased piece of shit.

“if you can mention 8 games right now.. (not games that came out for all 3 systems!!!) then maybe i might consider of thinking ps2 comes somewhat close to xbox.”

-gta 3
-gta vice city
-metal gear solid 2 (not that “substance” crap, i'm talking about the original)
-devil may cry
-socom: navy seals
-.hack (a series of games)
-twisted metal black

don't even bother trying to criticize anything from this list. you obviously haven't played any of them (since you spend every waking moment hating the ps2) so what would you know about them.

i'm sure x-box has some good “only on the box” games, but as far as i care there is just halo, and that game got old really quick. now it's your turn–name 20 good games that are x-box exclusive. by ipod owner

20 games for xbox(4:35pm est wed may 28 2003)
mech assault
unreal championship
elder scroll
capcom vs. snk eo
return to castle wolfenstine
brute force
moto gp 1
moto gp 2
sega gt 2002
panzer dragoon orta
nfl fever 2002
buffy the vampire slayer
indiana jones
project gotham racing
shenmue ii
dead or alive 3
dead or alive xtream beach valleyball
genma onimusha
airforce delta storm

thats 20.. hmm.. lets count the upcoming games that look awesome

halo 2
ninja gaiden
dead or alive online
counterstrike for xbox
deus ex:invisible war (also coming for pc but pc doesn't count.. its not a console)
dino crisis 3
dungeons & dragons heroes
xbox music mixer
project gotham racing 2
soul calibur 2
true fantasy live online
wwe: raw 2 ruthless aggression

want me to keep naming?? by ps2sucks

oops(4:36pm est wed may 28 2003)
looks like woahbob beat me to it. oh well, he has some games that i've forgotten to put. by ipod owner
re: ps2sucks(4:38pm est wed may 28 2003)
oh, come on now. i thought the object was to name *good* games, not *every* game out there. “dead or alive xtream beach valleyball”? give me a freaking break, kid. by ipod owner
ps2games mentioned(4:41pm est wed may 28 2003)
.hack is whack, twisted metal is whack, the final fantasy's are good since im an rpg fan but gta.. we all knew you would mention those games.. those are the only valuable games for ps2.. pretty soon you wont be able to mention them cause its coming to xbox.. we don't want it though.. that game is a disgrace to a console.. its a cheap way of making a console money. also.. the guy who mentioned time splitters 2 should know it came for xbox also so it doesn't count by ps2sucks
re: ps2sucks(4:44pm est wed may 28 2003)
have you even played gta? are you allowed to play it? i could understand if your parents don't allow you to play violent games like that, but if you did i'm sure you'd enjoy it. unless you're a bible-toting evangelist, maybe. oh, i'm sorry–i shouldn't ridicule x-box owners, who are obviously more elite and higher on the evolutionary scale than everybody else. you sound like you belong to a freaking cult. by ipod owner
re: re: ps2sucks(4:49pm est wed may 28 2003)
hehehe… isn't that what your little fan boy babys did?? hahahaha.. omg you ps2 people are so funny. you guys can't realize that playstation steals your money in such a way. buy ps2.. get a memory card. wanna play 4 players… get a multi tap. wanna play online.. get a broadband adapter. wanna play ffx-2.. get a hard drive. its alright i mean.. if you think about it its just about what?? $100 extra bucks?? ohh but i forgot to mention xbox came with games.. with ps2 you have to buy the game.. lets add a little $20 dollars to that.. oh.. but i forgot.. that memory card is what?? 1/100th of the xbox's 8 gig hard drive.. ok, then lets see..hmm.. you waste your memory card space.. buy a new one or delete files.. ohh that must be why people but ps2.. to waste money.. i know i know.. you gonna come out with the xbox remote to play dvd's.. where's the rest of the comeback?? ps2.. you guys have no comeback. can't mention any good games.. can't mention any good qualities.. can't mention any need for me to buy one.. just quit.. you guys don't understand.. only gamers understand.. xbox is the big boys machine.. you punny kids stay with your ps2.. let the big boys carry the heave ass xbox. by ps2sucks
true crime(4:52pm est wed may 28 2003)
true crime: streets of la will own gta any day by ps2sucks est wed may 28 2003)

dead to rights is now a platinum hit :-d by

re: ps2sucks(5:05pm est wed may 28 2003)
sorry, but you didn't answer my question.

“true crime: streets of la will own gta any day.” it's a shame that nobody's ever heard of that game.

i'm not going to bother arguing with a little kid who can't argue for shit. your one-sided opinions have brainwashed you into a one-track state of thought. like i said, if you don't like it then don't buy it. i'm not going to waste my time trying to “convince” you to buy a ps2. by ipod owner

good(5:08pm est wed may 28 2003)
good, cause it sucks anyways, and by the way, i'm old enough to be your daddy so, go home kid. by ps2sucks
pc is dead, not the other way around…(2:14pm est thu may 29 2003)
ask joe sixpack which he likes better. a console with which he only needs to put in the game media and be away with it or a pc which sooner or later will have compatibility problems, viruses, registry or what-the-heck. you, the reader are not joe sixpack. but how many are the geeks? or, let's think on this: microsoft, while the quality of their products can be questioned, is a very succesful company in financial terms. they are commited to their console. if the console would be dead anytime soon, microsoft would not give it a shit. by oracle
xbox bashing & ps2 fanboys(8:14am est fri may 30 2003)
all i have to say after reading all these posts is that i agree with ps2sucks, strict9, & others who made valid points about the xbox & ps2. the only reason why some people don't like the xbox is because they hate ms, they are biased (especially if they think that the ps2 has all the good games & has better graphics than the gc & xbox), and they love to be on the winning side. you're so biased that you have no idea what you're missing out on (a statement open for flaming). face it, the ps2 has already won this console war, & i don't know why we are still all arguing the same points over & over & over & over again. the ms is (amazingly) still in the market proving again & again that the xbox is the better console. it may not have as many games as the ps2, but i spend more time playing my xbox than both my ps2 & my gc put together (& i have all of those supposedly great games that you guys mentioned above. i still think that ffx sucks. if i wanted to watch a computer animated movie, i would go rent ff the movie). return to castle wolfenstein is a blast to play with voice communication (as well as all xbox live games)! but the only game i can do that with on my ps2 is socom, & i don't even bother playing that online because of all of the crack master cheaters (meaning people who use game sharks & whatever else to boost their ego's because they have no real skill) with their perfect aim & no one even uses the headset that came with the game (what a waste of money)! ff online will probably be a lot better game than ffx, but i'm not getting my hopes up. although because i am a non-biased hardcore gamer, i will most likely buy the hd depending on whether i think it's worth the price. by william foster
if you want a pc(9:18pm est tue jun 03 2003)
then buy one. i have a ps2 and a computer. i would rather play games on my ps2, becuase, a) a controller is many times less stressful on your wrists than constant keyboarding and b) becuase there is better load/run time. but for everything else, a computer is the way to go. don't be fooled by what you 'might' be able to do with it. it's no good buying something you'll never use. if you never want to play an online game, or store music, then buy yourself a ps2. if you do, then buy an xbox. neither one is better than each other. they each have their uses. by blahblicketyblah
ps2 vs xbox vs gc(8:11pm est mon jun 09 2003)
1) the gc seems really good for what it is (a pure games console.

2) ps2 support hdtv and 5.1 sound (it may not be available in all games but it is there for those that support it, after all if it wasn't you couldn't watch your dvds with 5.1 – also newer games are offering 5.1).

3) ps2 didn't come with hd & na to start with, but it came out some time before the others. sony have developed a stable online service which is free (unlike x-box live), so the upt to £40 you may spend on your na is offset by about a year and a half's subsciption to xbox live. ps2 owners then get online, free, xbox owners keep paying mr gates.

4) the hdd is an optional extra. you don't need it for ffxi but can use it if you want. i'm sure there'll be more uses for it in the future and people can buy it if they want to.

5) some of the xbox games do look very good, but the ps2 has the power to be just as good if not better. i'd rather have something which people can develope better games for than something which is trying to milk the best out of old technology. will xbox games get much better than they are now? ps2 games certainly will.

6) the xbox is a good mid range console. it does everything reasonable well, and graphics very well at the moment. the ps2 costs a bit more if you want to do everything, but has the power and stability to do everything better.

7) i'll be interested to seem microsoft's answer to the distributed processing in the ps3 system.

8) the gc is a great console for pure gamers. the xbox is a console for people who know how to use a pc and are a bit frightened to try something new. the ps2 is an entertainment system that opens new doors and looks forward. by alarndir

the stats……dc v ps2 v xbox v gc(5:59am est thu jun 12 2003)
ok these are the total and correct stats for each machine…….
cpu: hitachi sh-4 128bit 200mhz
graphics processor: nec/videologic powervr
main ram: 16mb
memory bandwith: 3.2gb/sec
graphics ram: 8mb
theoretical performance: 3 million polygons
estimated performance: 1.5 million polygons

cpu: 128 bit “emotion engine”
system clock: 300 mhz
system memory: 32 mb direct rambus
memory bus bandwidth: 3.2 gb per second
co-processor: fpu (fpma x 1, fpd x 1)
vector units: vu0 and vu1 (fpa x 9, fpd x 1)
floating point performance: 6.2 gflops
3d cg gt: 66 million polygons per second
compressed image decoder: mpeg2
graphics: “graphics synthesizer”

cpu: p3 733mhz with sse
graphics processor: 250mhz nvidia x-chip
total memory: 64mb
memory bandwidth: 6.4gb/sec
polygon performance: 125million/sec
audio: 3d audio processor
network: 10/100mbps ethernet
media: 2-5x dvd, hard disk 10gb

cpu: ibm powerpc gekko, 128bit, 405mhz
graphic processor: flipper 128bit, 202.5mhz
main ram: 24mb
graphic ram: 16mb
memory bandwith: 3.2gb/sec
theoretical performance: 12million polygons/second
estimated real performance: 6-12million polygons/second

these are copyright :)

anyways ive played on all the systems and on quite a few games and as from what i can see the xbox has best graphics, ps2 best games, gamecube most original, dreamcast most fun……and i only own a dreamcast……with broadband, which is free and is at 300kb/s perfect for web browsing and online games pso(phantasy star online) and that sort of thing……anyway the dc can get a hd (sammy) thats 1gb!! dont know how its works but its not that bad!! sooooooo remember whichever system you have enjoy it…….i love my dc more than anyother console ………. :op by crash2k

did someone say that icrosoft has the best games and list halo?(8:17am est thu jun 12 2003)
everyone knows i should hope that microsoft did not in any way shape or form develope halo. bunjie software develped it for pcs and mac. a couple of months before it was slated to start production microsoft bought bunjie killing the game and announcing that it would be xbox exclusive making several people wait another 2 years to play the game. off hand i cannot think of a simgle good microsoft game. by commentary
who cares?(2:40pm est sun jun 22 2003)
who cares whether somebody else is playing an xbox or a ps2? does it matter to you?

get a life. by =sb=

ps2 has the right online games(10:34am est mon jun 23 2003)
i love my xbox, and it has the best graphics period. but, when i am forced to play xbox's crappy sega basketball and football games because they are the only online games (well, also fever), i then realize that i have to own a ps2 as well so that i can play the ea sports madden, nba live, and college football 2004 online. these games rule the sports arena. sega cannot compare in gameplay at all. fever gets you playing a bunch of cheaters who modify a team to all 99 rated players and selects them after you pick your team. i cannot commit to xbox totally until they get the top games. therefore i have my ps2 hooked up to play ea sports games and gta and twisted metal. but, if a game comes out for both systems, then i always take the xbox version (ex: max payne, splinter cell, metal gear substance, etc). by love 'em both
the ultimate gaming system(12:34pm est tue jun 24 2003)
four letters: snes by —
what is best(9:24am est sun jul 06 2003)
ok so if you are a 6 year old child buy a game cube,if you want good populer games and a good looking console buy a ps2, or a pc. all the good x-box games are coming out on pc, so if you want a x-box for some strange reason think about what you are doing. if you still want one kill yourself, even better give me your address and i will kill you by being here is sad

Download Game Iso Untuk Ps2 Hardisk

xbox is the best because it has a harddrive (3:54am est fri jul 11 2003)
and i can download all the games!!!!11111 its teh best thing since baked bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
111111111111 by xboxrulez
specs mean nothing(8:37pm est sat jul 12 2003)
xbox is more powerful than ps2 but it sucks compared to quality and quantity of games it has. where ps2 lets you play so many amazing games plus a shitload of awsome timeless classics from ps1

great ps2 games:

final fantasy x
grand turismo aspec
grand torismo concept
contra shattered soldier
socom navy seals
twisted metal black
hack (series game)
gta: vice city
ico (amazing game)
medal of honor
the getaway
tekken 4 (series game)
metal gear solid 2 (series game)
time splitters 2
dark cloud
dark cloud 2
ratchet and clank
war of the monsters
devil may cry (awsome)
devil may cry 2 (awsome)
zone of the enders (amazing)
armored core series
silent hill
guilty gear x
jack and dexter
onimusha 2
red faction
red faction 2
tekken tag
tenchu wraith of heaven
virtua fighter 4
mark of cri
soul reaver 2

also a shit load of amazing ps1 games

final fantasy 7,8
chrono cross
silent hill
crash series (5 games)
abe's odyssy
medevil 1,2
metal gear solid
metal slug
parasite eve 1,2
resident evil 1,2,3
vagant story
legend of dragoons
siphon filter 1,2,3
tomb raider series
and a lot more that i cant remember

all this bullshit about specs this more powerful that, who the f?uck cares? you buy a consoles not for specs but for the games.

by ps2 fan

hmmm(2:48pm est wed jul 16 2003)
i hate all you sad bastards and i would be happy to kill you and any children you may have…… after raping them, and your sweet sweet momma. by your best friend
would a computer work to link to the ps2?(11:10pm est thu jul 17 2003)
if u linked a computer to the ps2 by usb u think u could save games on to the computer instead of a memory card? by ps2 playa
dumba** xbox fans(11:33pm est sun jul 20 2003)
the ps2 hard drive has 40g an the xbox only has 64mb! by xboxsuxcox
kjf(11:37pm est sun jul 20 2003)
you fucking shit fuck xbox shit fuckers by sfa
oye(11:49am est mon jul 21 2003)
suck on my penis… by err
x box sucks(1:02pm est wed jul 30 2003)
x box controllers suck like shit how the hell are u supposed to play with a controller almost the size of a book. by x box sux
?….(7:20pm est thu jul 31 2003)
id say xbox is more pc than gaming console… but ms was pretty wise when they decided to include the hd to their
but still i think ps2 gets the best game titles and that matters to me. so ill keep funding sony :) by blind
hard drive(7:27pm est thu sep 18 2003)
can i use my external hard drive i have already to save games on my ps2? by sprague
xbox sucks period!!(8:26pm est thu oct 16 2003)
don't buy bill gates shit he's got enough money. he will only try to control the gaming industry and set his own rules and guidelines.

buy ps2 and support the good guys, they are on your side.

xbox is made by the devil for his bitches!!! by preacher

look….(4:41am est fri oct 17 2003)
look who cares, true gamers have and love all systems. i still play my dc and my c64 and my ps1. i still have and play my jaguar for cryin out loud. if you sit in your corner grumbling about how your system is better then you are missing out on the whole point. trade a buddy for your ps2/xbox or vice versa and play a different system.. i would bet everything i own that you will find at least 10 games you like… on any system. and if you can't… well you don't like video games.. you like . by just a gamer
ranouttaspace…doh(4:44am est fri oct 17 2003)
i would bet everything i own that you will find at least 10 games you like… on any system. and if you can't… well you don't like video games.. what you like is . by just a gamer
well…..(5:13pm est sun oct 26 2003)
i haven't found even 5 on the gc and that doesn't mean i dont like games. anyways gc is a continuation of dc. nintendo is being a bit “hurry and do it” because its pushing its new machine for release very soon, well its losing on the 2 sides(console market and handheld soon enough).oh and one more thing–m$ havent thought on those who dont have dsl or broadband i mean i'd like to play it(xbox online games) but i cant 'cuz i dont have broadband neway i think its expensive. on the other hand i look at the side that u have to pay a subscription fee in order to play online and on the ps2 no.better go with ps2 cuz online games better and u dont have to pay a subscription fee. by ps2 and xbox watcher
u r all rich(11:41am est tue nov 11 2003)
lets see, for ps2, you have to pay 129 at a pawn shop for a ps2, and then 50 for controller and card, and then 100 for harddrive, then 40 for internet for one game if youl want, and still 12.95 for that one game, but that is with just one charactor, a dollar more per more charactors you have, make it a money sucker. thought it is the games that matter, so you could play for a while.

computer, 450 if you build it yourself, and then you could sell it for 700, but lets say 450, and then 40 for internet, and then 20-50 if you buy games, 0 if you get pirated. games that matter again, so long time of lots of fun

xbox – hmmmm, it has so many nice features, i would rather burn these than christmas trees to warm my house. all the fumes will be sure to kill me for wasteing my money on it. i am glad i just stole it though.

( p.s. ffxi sucks compared to other online games ) by i have a hat

xbox sucks bill gates weiner!!!(4:22pm est thu dec 04 2003)
ps2 rulez!!!! xbox is a piece of trash and so is dreamcast…fuck off all you loser morons!!! you are nothing but a bunch of pimply fuckheads!!! get with the times and grow up and recognize!!! by cracked diamond
to all(3:40am est fri dec 05 2003)
opinions are like assholes , everyone has one and they all stink!!!!!all consoles and pc's rule cuz its beautifil technology by neutrality wins
ps2vs.xboxvs.whatever(10:06pm est sat dec 06 2003)
first of all microsoft played a smart business move by waiting for the release of the ps2 and seeing what the competition had to offer on a hardware basis , but on the same token fell behind in the games race . i , myself own a ps2 and a pc for the simple fact that i owned a psone first and got the ps2 on it's north american release date(also paying the hefty price tag , and yes it came with an expansion bay)but as for the xbox ,i have played extensively and both consoles have amazing offerings . but when it comes to true power and graphix rendering my pc takes first prize there hands down . but would i trust my pc in the hands of a child ? no for the simple fact of user friendliness and the playability issue . it will be interesting however to see where the future of console gaming will take us and how the internet will play a role . all are viable gaming platforms and it basically comes down to two things , 1.whos playing and what exactly do you want from your gaming platform ? and much money ya got? lates peeps . by captain smackahoe
quit bitchin(3:31am est sat dec 20 2003)
im buying the hard drive for ffxi and thats all. its cheaper to get the hard drive then to upgrade my computer so im goin with the hard drive by quit yer bitchin
hard drive(10:59pm est sun feb 08 2004)
i think a hard drive is a good idea, the first second it comes out im gonna get it, why? because i can afford it. why else? cuz ill be able to put games on it! just like the xbox. my buddie has an xbox, he installed a mod chip and a 120 gig, yes a 120 gig hardrive and now he only rents games and burns them on the dirve. not a bad idea right? i do agree that this hard drive is a lil pricey but thats if your a loser who has no jjob and sits at home playing games all day cuz they have no life or frineds but whatever. i'll be picking my ps2 hard drive in march 04 by ps2luveer
ps2 &xbox(3:48pm est sat feb 14 2004)
i have both systems and wouldn't want to be without either of them. gran turismo iii is the best racing game availabel on any platform (console) and i'm sure gran turismo iv will perpetuate that standard. halo is the best fps avaliable on any platform (console) and halo 2 will more that likely embolden that tradition. silent hill (ps2) scared the shit out of me. knights of the old republic (xbox) enthralled and compelled me. just give me good gameplay and the system will sell itself. both systems deliver great gameplay. both have strengths and weaknesses. both systems entertain the hell out of me. by yhwh
hold up(12:56pm est wed feb 18 2004)
tha hhd fa one doesn't cost 100dollars, u can get a 50dollar game wit it(ffxi), and 50dollars equals two memory cards. tha hhd is also removal, so u can take it ova otha ppls homes, and u can sell it or trade it in for a game. holla by thug b
hold up(2)(1:01pm est wed feb 18 2004)
xbox also has a histroy of ova heating, my friend's xbox broke 2times, and computers, dats just stupid, u have to buy a cpu at least $900, no 4player games, a $30 usb controller, and a small viewing moniter!(15inch screen), low quatily graghics, and can't take a pc ova a house, pc's are inferior to videogame consoles by thug b
i take it all back(6:08pm est sun feb 22 2004)
me and my son both purchased the new eq for ps2. unfortunately we both have 1st generation ps2's which will not play many of the new releases. i'm now convinced that the ps2 is a true piece of shit. that's what we get for waiting in line on release date i guess. sony should be held liable since these new releases do not state the incompatablility with the 1st generation machines. if the white tag on the back of your ps2 starts with pt and not px, you probably have a piece of garbage like mine. by yhwh
great idea(11:24am est tue feb 24 2004)
not only will this make the ps2 that much better but major companies such as ea, square enix, and capcom have already stated that they will have downloadable games for the hard drive. not just new content but full games, and they will be cheaper than if bought in the stores. now that is what gives this the 1-up over xbox. boo-ya! by crucyfix
ps2 and xbox(6:14pm est tue feb 24 2004)
ps2's original design and processor was way beyond the realm of xbox.the recall of chips because of the imense power(due to the fact the can be used for missle guidance) made sony go back and redue it very quickly and shoot out the ps2s.with size, ps2 is quite amazing leaving half of its space open for jsut the harddrive and xbox is too bulky and wont fit anywheres on my tv for p2 harddrive, i welcome it as a competitor to xbox's own harddrive.i wouldnt put music on it though since i need game sound to keep me wise, ps2 has more titles to offer to every age group and the only decent game for xbox was doa3.they only game that really annoyed me was halo, so repetitive and without more than 3 people, multiplayer was just dull.the only reason i would buy the xbox is because of doa:online but i refuse to pay the 10$ service charge a month to pay back microsofts loss.and any game released for all 3 systems(gc/ps2/xbox) are going to have gc graphics and limited gameplay since those games are built to fit in the small lack of space disks.choose what suits you better and stop complaning and go play some more. by pompidu
anybody kno?(7:29pm est wed feb 25 2004)
im notta nerd so i dont kno if the hard drive has a network adaptor built in? any body wanna help a poor asshole by some poor asshole
sweet jeezuss…………(1:21am est thu feb 26 2004)
can't you morons just realize this might be good for something???portable/powerful gaming/dvd playback a 40 gig hdd and mp3 playback in a little black box??eet me ……you guys need to get laid……..slayer…. by the yeti
to every one that think sony is copying xbox(8:40am est fri feb 27 2004)
all sony is trying to do is copy microsoft with there xbox. – by webcon xbox owner.
it is obvious that sony had a plan to bring out a hdd for the ps2 since the beginning then why did they bring out the ps2 with a big empty bay. duh

to me ps2 and xbox got there own up and down
by ggg

money(4:27pm est sun feb 29 2004)
everyone keeps metnioning oh sony is trying to make more money on this well i got one thing to say i own all three consoles and as far as th xbox goes that is the biggest money hog i am noticing i have to buy an aceesorie for a new game for that thing every 2 seconds like a headset or a dvd remote or even xbox live which for somthing i spend money on to use could operate a lot better. the xbox live runs about the same as some of sony's free online games now that is what is sad. oh by the way if you look hard enough there is another way to get a hdd in your ps2 without having to but but the linux pack or the ff11 pack. by no use for a name
xbox blows(6:32pm est sun feb 29 2004)
for all the idiots who say true fantasy online is going to beat ffxi:

playonline has over 4 times that of xbox live users. so that logically means square enix runs the show with online games, plus the other ps users going online (socom ii, etc) you have a crap load more users on ps2 online then xbox live. so how in gods name will tfo beat ffxi?! i own ffxi for pc and i got a reserve on the hdd i wanna try this baby out.

luv'n peace^_^
~anti-polo by kaos angel

hmmm(2:07pm est mon mar 08 2004)
pc's gamecube xbox and ps2. i've got them all and they all have there ups and down and all have fun games. of course i have no money now but atleast i can waste my life away playing fun addicting video games that portray situations in life so i don't have to think about how bad my life sucks
anyone know where to get the new smaller controllers for xbox? by evenlower
computer game players stfu!(9:20am est sat mar 13 2004)
i keep hearing “all console are is becoming a computer”.when they do i'll not buy one thats why i surf the web with my computer,and play games on my ps2,and big screen tv..i dont wanta play a video game on a 15″ screen!!i like to 'experience the game with s-video hookups,and have my 5.1 surround sound hookup.when you can experience playing gta on a 56″ screen on a computer than i'll start playing games on dont diss console players cuz you haveta navigate wuth the arrow button lmao,or use special glasses to magnify to graphics by console player
system wars iv(4:11am est sun mar 14 2004)
1. ps2-although a good system(would be a dead system if not for the hype of the original psx) a couple of cool exclusive titles like “the mark of kri”, “socom i & ii”, new jet lee game, syphon filter omega strain(in neer future), ea's online service, onboard dvd, and of course the final fantasy series. the bad is $99 dollars for 40gig hard drive with final fantasy(rip off), $39 dollars for ethernet modem. if the sega dreamcast had a dvd player i wouldn't own a ps2 at the moment. graphic and antializing were much better on dc.

score: 9.0 (get a 9 mainly because of it large library of games, although most of them as we know are kraaap)

2. gamecube-rocks, bad thing is, it needs an adult zelda, more third party support, hard drive, dvd player, and more online gaming. the good, zelda series, metroid prime, final fantasy crystal chronicles, star wars rogue squadron i & ii and resident evil series you would think with sega out the console war nintendo would step up to the plate but what the hell is going on at nintendo headquarters??????:-(

score: 8.8

3. xbox-hate bill gates, but don't hate on the system. first of all this is an american system people why don't we back it up even if it sucked. all the japanese people support their systems like crazy just look at the sales in japan. the bad, you have to pay $30 dollars for the dvd remote, it doesn't have ea's online support, and it doesn't have a plethora of rpgs, (although star wars kotor and morrowind is all we need). the good, onboard 10gig hard drive, onboard ethernet modem(dsl & cable only unlike ps2) download and play music(selected games also support the function of listening to the downloaded music like gta, doaxbvolleyball), halo, ninja gaiden, kotor, phantasy star i & ii, shenmue ii, better graphics and faster prossesor then any other system.

score: 9.3

bottom line buy all systems so you won't be biased with any.

warning!!! all the systems have plus and minuses dont listen to anyone but yourself dont trust any rumors that you hear or you'll become just like everyone else:)!!!

personal opinion – i think xbox has an advantage over all systems based on future game releases like fable, halo 2, star craft ghost, bc, jade empire.(ea sucks and so does madden but good job on the lotrings titles thank god you didn't f*ck that up like your sports titles, ea rocked early '90s move on people)

thank you all by the truth

this is great…(9:19pm est wed mar 17 2004)
first of all, dreamcast is obsolete now. they stopped making games. why the hell would you still play a dreamcast when you can play xbox which is by they same company? the people talking about the linux kit…stfu! this dumb linux kit is for internet browsing…40 gb is an ok amount of space…i mean each level is around 50+ megs plus the characters so i'd say you can get a good amount of levels on this thing. one things for sure, it's gonna take a lot of strain off the servers, cutting the lag greatly! all you people saying that ps2 copied off of xbox…it's not really copying…its kindof necassary. plus, i remember when i first bought by ps2, the lady was telling me about a ps3 that hooks up to your ps2 coming out in a few years. apparantly this was planned…
the great klatz has spoken. by klatzko822
ok if this doesn't clear it up nothing will(2:32am est sat mar 20 2004)
klatzko, there is nothing wrong with a few dreamcast loving people that luckily have the privilidge to play broadband free for supported games lemme add that i'm pretty pissed as i pawned that thing upon finding out here at the last minute that you can play it with broadband…fuck… be it as it may that the ps2 harddrive might not meet up to everyones expectations pertaining to how adaptable its user interface is. that variable can be greatly increased if sony allows the hd to function with the ps2 mem card properties. i haven't gotten the ffxi and hd bundle yet but if it does deem a significant add-on then should gain a state wide rep for friendly adaptability, all will love. ps2 vs xbox, i'll be very blunt. xbox graphics are superior to ps2 graphics i will technically admit, extremely weak variety of games… xbox's games really, really, really, really suck compared to ps2 games… why? cuz majority of xbox games are pc based. i might have thought that bill gates knew that pc orientated games attract only pc heads. it seems as if bills awareness of his consumers preferences in console intertainment was shifted to another era or dimention or something meaning xbox whole approach 2 gaming is not in synch with gamer wants. halo is the only note worthy game on xbox, its a ground breaking game surrounded by games that try to make up for crappy concepts by looking good using state of the art graphics. now ps2, they know what we want, they are prestigious, its a very strong system, quality and a quantity of games, enjoyable graphics enough said. your decision, intellegence and system interregation skills should be questioned if you buy either a game cube or an xbox. buy a ps2, try to be smart even if your dumb… i hate bashing people that are dumb… by lumpy
forgot…(3:05am est sat mar 20 2004)
and if you can't afford the pricey ps2 auxiliary functions then you can either buy the ps2 and choose from a good variety of greatest hits games for only $19.99 or if you can't do that then don't get a system at all!

ps2 is the future. nintendo's president has gone clinically insane and may draw sketches of games of mass distraction to lure you into his psychopathic childish world. xbox and bill gates hold halo lan parties with exec's boring themselves to death purposely and have kotor serimonies with john lucas. ps2 looks upon these sorry excuse for next generation super powerful idiots without mercy. xbox and game cube are too mentally shifted and insane to see how hard they are gonna fall in the end. don't fall with either of the two, ps2 is your new king. hail ps2. smash your xbox and game cubes with thors thunder hammer be gone worthless systems! ps2 is your new console king. hail ps2. by lumpy

nah not thors…(3:42am est sat mar 20 2004)
…no not thors…smash him with shao kahns hammer… we all know what that hammer does lol. then put the hammer away for another day… and laugh

lemme ask shao kahn a few questions…

lumpy: shao kahn, do you think the game cube and xbox is any competition for the ps2?

shao kahn: don't make me laugh

lumpy: we all know the answer to that… ok, ok, what would you say to bill gates for competing against the highly recognized ps2 console system?

shao kahn: you will never win

lumpy: very interesting… ok i understand you are a ruler but i must ask one more question, how would you feel if i said xbox and game cube seperately had better games than ps2.

shao kahn: hahahahaha!

well you heard it from shao kahn. the king from another realm has given us very wise words that are for our benefit and own good. should you not follow, then your contrary actions will be your own wasted money!!! hail ps2 by lumpy

people talk without knowing(10:48pm est sat mar 20 2004)
ps2 is putting in a hard drive because it's new mmorpg (ffxi) requires one. this is because of the downloads associated with new additions of such games online. they aren't “behind the times” with it, they just never needed one before. they aren't just copying the x-box, which has only got one decent game (halo). by kel
tell me!!!(12:17am est tue mar 23 2004)
ok the hdd units + ffxi has been shipped, i haven't purchased it yet because my pay check doesn't come in till this thursday… somebody tell me what its like right now!!! x( >:0 >:( >:v by lumpy
x box(8:48am est tue mar 23 2004)
first of all x box's suck ass. they have way less games, and you have to pay to get on the internet there. so u x box cock suckers need to just chill the hell out by js
hard drive(11:16am est tue mar 23 2004)
ha i got the ffxi and the hdd for free by sony, i am a beta tester and i got to test the game and the drive but it sucked because you cant dowload music unless its theme songs so i cant wait till they release the software so you can browse through websites and download anything by me
ps2(3:47pm est tue mar 23 2004)
x box is a great console i will admit that. but it doesnt have socom (the greatest game ever made by the way). thats the only reason i stick with ps2. can anyone tell me if it will help with the online lagging. i would hate to spend $100 for it if it only gives me more memory by ps2 owner
hard drive(11:38pm est tue mar 23 2004)
the hard drive will reduse lag. also the less roughters u go through the less lag. and yes socom 2 is the best game ever. xbox sux b/c it does not have it. by cheetah2114
emulaters anyone(1:31pm est wed mar 24 2004)
get a shuttle pc and emulaters for all game system boom you can play em all by 3-60
systems hardrive(2:18pm est mon mar 29 2004)
please you guys are comparing a system that is older (ps2)to one that came out a year after it(xbox)

of course its going to be better
but that does not matter. alot of the time i have fun playing super nes (zomebies ate my nighebors) than i would playing a new console game. nobody looks at that anymore.
ps2 has way better enjoy ment than i have ever gotten with the x box by the guy with the fac

it's a computer, it's not a computer(4:17pm est mon mar 29 2004)
all you f'n techno geeks can quit being so damn technical about whether or not our ps2s or our xboxs or our freakin' intellivisions are computers… here is my definition (all techie b.s. aside) of a computer, aka personal computer, aka pc: if you can add a f'n video card or sound card, or remove the hard drive and replace it with a different or bigger one, buy an f'n hewlett packard printer and print a term paper on it, add an external zip drive or a scanner or upload digital pictures from your damn digital camera to a website that you just made with software you illegally downloaded on bearshare all without having to use solder… that's a computer. and… and if you own a console, you go out and buy a game and not have to worry about how many megabytes it will take up on your hard drive (usually), what kind of processor or processing speed the game works with best, what sound/video cards you need for the game to look and sound right or even run properly, what version of windows your computer needs, etfuckingcetera. every game made for a console is made for that hardware in mind. how often has your pc game crashed or frozen up? my console games never have. and i still have yet to shell out $100 bucks for a video card for my pc because i am happy using my ps2 as my primary video gaming machine. by socom2junkie
price of xbox(1:36pm est thu apr 01 2004)
the xbox here in the u.s., flordia to be exact is $ walmart. by me
all companies win because of you people(2:01pm est sat apr 03 2004)
because there are so many people like you that disagree with each other and by what you prefer it does not matter who is better because the gaming industry makes so much money anyways. and sorry to say it ps2 fans in a few years microsoft will corner the market anyways you cant stop it i have both xbox and ps2 and i love some games on both systems especially socom 2. any time i see a movie with mobsters or car chases it reminds me of gta vice city #1 game ever or a solder movie it reminds me of socom2#1 best online game ever. thats the main thing i go on replayability. so love your system or game for whatever reason because no system will ever have all their become hits by the vidio game lover
why don't you shut up xbox owners!(9:41pm est tue apr 06 2004)
so what if the xbox might have its own hard drive and built in network hook-ups, but remember, when the ps2 came out it was marvelous, who would have thought of putting a hard drive in a game system, besides what do xbox owners do when they want to take a game to their freinds house? suckers, and another thing, how do u get the idea that ps2 has sucky grphics? i bet you said the original playstation had better graphics than nintendo 64 but yet you probably have never played either. you sat around and laughed at your snes but then got pissed because you can't see little mario. so who really cares about the graphics, atleast you can see the characters on the screen. lastly i'd like to point out how dumb xbox owners are. so all you idiots laugh because us ps2 owners have to buy are own network adapter. but what are you laughing at? we all laugh at you because you have to pay 50 dollars (10 bucks more) for only a year subscription. once we pay 40 dollars for the expansion bay hook up. we can play until all the servers are distroyed in the year 2010. and don't have to pay any more besides the games! but you do the same! so why don't you shut up because the ps2 has better games, better network play, overall the same graphics, and doesn't have some snob behind it all who screwed microsoft for cheating by doing millions of things all because the guy thought (well were the biggest so we can screw our customers and other companies), that's why i don't buy one because anyone who has windows and can't do something on it say, i hope one of these days an operating system comes out beating the s&%$ out of microsoft because it's easier to use, better at games, and doesn't have a billion-aire behind it that doesn't know what half the world wants. by xbox fans shut up!
blah blah blah(7:08am est thu apr 08 2004)
who in the ph#-k cares. stop worrying about your game consoles, and get date. cause i know that most of you zit boys are getting very hairy palms. by masturbationisacrime
blah blah blah(7:08am est thu apr 08 2004)
who in the ph#-k cares. stop worrying about your game consoles, and get a date. cause i know that most of you zit boys are getting very hairy palms. by masturbationisacrime
ps2 is the greatest(6:41pm est fri apr 09 2004)
about how much people could go online in the final fanastyxi /by the the way xbox sucks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by jon8
ps2 hard drive and modchip(2:06am est fri apr 30 2004)
with the new hard drive, if you have a mod chip can you put games on the hd and play them right from the hard drive,like x-box. if you can i'll be all over that 40 gb hard drive. a dvd hold around 2 gb, if you do the math that can be 20 ps2 games. rent them copy them to the hd, good to go by hu-man
ps2 vs xbox(5:36am est thu may 06 2004)
i have read quite a bit of this forum and found taht some poeple are commenting in technology that they do not understand.

first off, the main processor has very little if not anything to do with graphics these days. its the video card / chipset. the xbox has the finest video hardware. i read a comment stating that the emotion engine can do everything the nvidia engine can do, it just uses software. well thats not really support, now is it? that takes the load off the gpu and on to the processor, thereby nullifying its acceleration. further, the ps2 is a dated system.. they rushed it out and skimped on video memory and left out anti aliasing (something even the n64 had) oops.

second, the speed also means less when you compare different processors. ps2 and gamecube use risc processors at 128 bit, whereas the xbox uses a cisc processor at 32 bit. just because the xbox has almost twice the speed (mhz) as the ps2 and gamecube, doesnt mean its the fastest. the gamecubes processor i hear is the most powerful of the three.

finally, there is a reason for purchasing each system. i know you xbox junkies do not play rpgs, because there simply arent any groundbreaking rpg's for the xbox (thats not available and better on pc). i have found that the xbox is the best for sports and some action titles (like halo), the ps2 is a better al around system, having a good selection of worthwhile games in each catagory, and the gamecube is, um, nintendo.

if a system has a hard drive. good. if its not used for anything, thats not very good. the only reason for me purchasing an xbox is to mod it and use it to play divx movies w/o having my computer next to my tv all the time. but hey thats me. by lordarmchair

wow…(7:56am est wed may 19 2004)
wow you kids are amazing.
brown spots on the wall by hue flung poo by i dont have one
wtf……..(6:02am est thu jun 10 2004)
personal i think all systems have their ups and downs. and btw the companies dont make money on the hardware. never have. another thing lordarmchair. havent you herd of marrowind, elder scrolls 3 (one of the biggest and open ended) rpgs ever? they all have different things to offer and thats why they all stay in business. they dont all want to have the same thing no way. they are attracting a certain type of gamer.

“by xbox fans shut up!” umm ya your a moron lol…look at halo2 gameplay its better than ps2 movies graphics because hardwarewise xbox is just a little bit higher up 233mhz compared to a 733mhz…wonder whats faster (not that they both arent slow compared to a comp but thats diff) (and yes if a calculator is a comp then so is your console) but ya just cuz one system doesnt work for you doesnt mean it doesnt work for someone else. like i like all the systems they all have something different like gc has zelda and what not. ps2 gots finalfanasty. xbox has halo not to mention xbl. now these are my favorites but others people have things they like about their systems. so what! why do you care? if you find yourself caring about what systems toher people like this is a warning sign that you need to get a girl or boy that can help maintain your time.
now m$$ is out to get your money just as much as all the other compainies and do you really think m$$ really wants to screw you over? now they want your money dumbshit. just as sony and nintendo. sony is just as bad on repairs and stuff if you dont believe me go around to local bestbuys gamestops and what not do a chart
(if you must) and see which system seems to be fixed more often.

“ps2 has way better enjoy ment than i have ever gotten with the x box – by the guy with the fac”

agian your oponion dont push it on others

some things work for you that dont work for other people!
some things work for other people that dont work for you!
ohwell get over it! by m$,sony,nintendo

ps2 being a computer(9:25am est mon jun 21 2004)
the ps2 certainly is a computer. even without a hard drive, it still has more than 60 times the storage capacity that my commodore 64 floppy disks had (those 8m memory cards are storage, you know). not that storage is a pre-requisite… you kids are just too young to have ever typed an entire game in, then played it all weekend, and turned it off.

is it better than a pc? no. are the games released for it better than the games released for the pc? yes! the firmware services which ps2 games call on to interact with the hardware are smaller in scope, and far better tested and debugged than most pc operating systems — and the games themselves can be far more solid, since they don't have to code for twenty-zillion different video/sound/controller types. consistant environment means simpler code, which translates into fewer bugs.

i've only ever had one lockup of a ps2 game (gta3, which the boat i was driving blew up just as it crossed a zone boundry). i can't count the number of pc games that have crashed (or caused the os to crash).
by 01d fart

ps2?(9:09pm est mon jun 28 2004)
put it this way what would u rather have a fun size candy bar (ps2) or a king size candy bar (x-box). people who see the fun size candy bar and think it is better are stupid or just blind. i am an american i support our games. i do not like rpg games because their all the same. people with big eyes, huge hair and living in old times using majic spells. i'd shoot them with my halo gun anyday. by teen with brain
xbox sux(11:28pm est fri jul 16 2004)
all the box is is a copy of the ps2 so fuck the box the ps2 was on line and had a hard disc bofore the box so just shut it by rfgeg
i have one(10:52pm est sat aug 07 2004)
igot final fantasy 11 for the ps2 and your supposed to be able to play it on your computer. i've been working all night and day trying to get it to work.but my game came with the 40gb for the ps2.but sony just wants you to keep on buying so i had to go out and get the network adapter for 40$. and im still trying to figure it out. by ps2 master
ok, here goes(9:59am est sun aug 08 2004)
first off, i will never own a xbox, they are as big as a 20 year old vcr, and are as ugly too. and yes, ive played one as well. the controller is massivly huge, and ugly, people slam on xbox all the time, but i bet they have a microsoft computer in their home. playstation 2 is the best system, (other than my computer) that ive used. if you like the ps2, wait until the ps3 comes out, or how about the psp, if you dont know, find out, and as far as “well my system is better that yours” it is nothing but a matter of prefrence, i happen to like ps2 and will own nothing but sony products, ever by zero
now that was(10:08am est fri aug 27 2004)
some of the best stuff i've read all day.

this is what i tell people then the come for advice on the gc's

if they have young children i tell them to get the ngc, if they have teens i tell them to get the ps2, and if it's just from them i tell them to go ahead and get the xbox.

i have stuck with the ps2, i like the fact that i don't have to pay a monthly subscription to play online. i like the fact i can play old ps1 (ie puzzle fighter) games. i like the fact that it forces me to buy and not pirate games (unlike the xbox, where i'd just download the games, or rent and rip.)

but the xbox, is the better all around box. but with that said the ngc, is the best buy for the buck. and the old guys like me, will mostly stick with the ps2 and have an xbox on the side, for the four games that are worth playing, that are not crossovers.

allt that has been brought to you by justin, which is me. by crashnet

calm down(6:36am est thu sep 09 2004)
you little bunch of scallies need to take a chill pill by merk
xbox v ps2(3:45am est fri sep 10 2004)
the xbox is evil personified, anyone who lines the coffers of bill gates needs their heads seen to and their wallets permanently burned.
the xbox is, granted, a good machine, but in this day and age of evil floating around the world, we need to take a moral stand, and vote with our wallets as to who to support. xbox lovers have simply raised bill gates to supremo of the world and he will surely one day strike out with instant sweeping fury to conquer and enslave the worlds population, as did the dark lord in star wars.

you mark my words, the end is coming, and those of you with xbox's will realise why the silly thing is soooo big. it will come alive and suck the chi from you, turning you into mindless microsoft zombies, thus the start of world enslavement starts.

rise up my compadres and destroy the xbox evil living in your very houses, rise up and unite, rise up and embrace freedom!!! by spaff

ps2 getting hard drive(12:01pm est wed oct 13 2004)
i think that the hard drive for the ps2 is a pretty good idear, but i rather play games on my pc because you can alwayz upgrade your computer. if you put enough money into it then you won'y have to upgrade it every six months. the games i have seem for pc's are a hell of a lot better than playstation or xbox. like look at the battlefield series, battle field vietnan or 1942, you can get patches for it and make it eathir desert combat or p.o.e (point of existice). these games are defenatly the best games made for the pc and xbox or playstation could never touch. even the new battlefield that is coming out for playstation will never touch pc's graffics, sounds or controls. i suggest that you guys check out these games and then tell me what you think about computers. by red snapper(dcx7.0)
nothing wrong with gta's(9:19am est sun oct 17 2004)
there great games damn it, but i have to say that i will never buy them on ps2, i have always got it on pc, even though it comes out like 6-8 months later, its worth it coz the ps2 versions are a bit shibby. by bs

Download Game Ps2 Hardisk Terbaru

wow this topic is old, and still going(2:33am est sat oct 30 2004)
hopefully this will put the whole computer thing to rest: a calculator is not a computer, while a ps2, gc, and an xbox are all computers. a computer is a calculator that can make decisions based on input.

and that comes directly from a vb book. visual basic is a programming language, and the book even gives a history of computers.

once again, ps2, gc, and xbox are all computers.

has anyone who's posted here truly tried programming something?

the software that's developed, including games, for a system are all based on the developer. there's no real difference. you can argue that one system has better graphics, but that's really just game by game.

the xbox is the criminal's console, hands down. you can illegally copy something to it's hard drive, with no new hardware or problems.

ps2 can become a criminal's console, but you have to look at mods and such.

gc seems to be for an honest person through and through. i mean, you can't even copy the games…..

you may think it's all great to steal games and such, but it's hurting the developers. same goes with music. actually, with music it's not hurting the musicians too much, it's all the people that work with and for them, and have salaries or jobs based on sales.

the xbox does give surround sound, which is pretty cool. well, i don't know about you, but i don't have a surround sound system in my room, and i don't really want to buy one, but maybe that's just cause i'm stingy. it's nice to have the option to use it though.

finally, the xbox comes with an 8 gig hard drive… but the ps2 can hold a hard drive with up to 120 gigs of storage(it can handle bigger, but the hard drive is formatted to a max of 128 gigs).

they're all great systems. at this point in technology, it's all about what the programmers can do.

oh, and right's to games… i wouldn't want to get an ps2 if it didn't have the ff series, or the gta series, or the main bulk of the ddr series(including ps1 games). exclusive games really make or break a console. if ps2, xbox, and gc all had the same game titles, i would buy a gc, as it's got that really snazzy look about it. since i don't know too many games i like about it, i'm not that inclined to purchase it, and same goes for xbox.

oh, and why do so many people have terrible grammar or randomly capitalize letters of a word… with some of these posts it's hard to decipher the message. by doesn't matter

sports(11:31pm est fri nov 12 2004)
is their any one up to playing me in nba live2005 by jarrette washington
xbox sucks(9:09am est fri nov 19 2004)
sure the xbox has better graphics but ps2 has way better games and better addons
and ps2 is more fun to play thats why its sold over 70million units and xbox has only sold over 10 million
do the math by xbox hater
xperiencesuckiness(7:56pm est sat nov 27 2004)
200gb of games at my fingertips on ps2 by meow
ps2 sucks(12:46am est sun nov 28 2004)
now don't get me wrong i love playstation i still have the original playstation. but xbox wins by a mile over ps2 now i don’t know how much xbox and ps2 sold for any where else but here in the states when they first came out they were both $199.99 i bought the xbox package where you get the remote sensor and the remote plus a couple of games and extra controller for $200and your done but with playstation your never done you could always add something on and as your adding things on your wallet is getting thinner and besides you guys are talking about what xbox’s hard drive can do and since you could put your music on there means nothing i bet you most people don’t even use it its just a selling feature just like your gamming system being able to play dvds i never play dvds in mine i play games in mine your supposed to play dvds in your dvd player (i’m not trying to play xbox games in my dvd player) i mean sure for someone who can’t afford a dvd player they can play dvd in it. but if they can’t afford a $15 dvd player from best buy then i think the should sell there playstation or xbox and your saying how xbox copied playstation because playstation had the hard drive thing before xbox, and they may have but there wasn’t that much time in between the two conceals coming out on the marked so i doubt that microsoft would have had time to change there designs to be better then them so think they both came up with the idea its just that microsoft made it better so its already built in you don’t even have to worry about it and all games work on it not just some like playstation yea i think it does depend on the game because you guys are saying how ps2 has better graphics and one other thing someone said towards the top of this commit page that xbox’s controller is designed crappy i think that it is designed way better that playstation’s. i don’t know about you but i got big hands so its nice to be able to grip something then me hands being all cramped up using the playstation’s controller and if you notice when you use the playstation’s controller that at least i am always bumping the l1/l2 or the r1/r2 but since xbox has triggers your not always bumping the buttons and my favorite how the switched the key pad and the joystick around which makes it a lot easier to use and i guess what i’m trying to say is that xbox kicks ass and ps2 sucks now don’t get me wrong i only say it sucks when its up against xbox (i own a ps2 and i like it) by wgas?
xbox controller(8:29pm est sat dec 04 2004)
a couple of yall said that the xbox controller sucks? it's the best. the big original one is the coolest. it's big and the most comfortable. the ps2 controller is the suckiest one. by km
xbox controller(8:42pm est sat dec 04 2004)
xbox will even kill ps3 by km1
halo(10:46am est fri dec 10 2004)
people say that halo is coming to ps2 by ps2gamer
there is more to life(6:56am est thu dec 16 2004)
ok… seriously this is sad. there is more to life than just playing xbox or ps2. i brought a ps2, $250 aud. whoopie, i wanted to play a few games with my gf, so why do i need multitap? 2 player is more than enough. when you have mates over, take turns be social! fetch another round for the boys :p my brother has an xbox and he loves it, i played it but after about 20minutes playing halo i thought shit id rather be playing a fps on the pc with my keyboard and mouse screw this paddle shit. meanwhile my brother is the opposite, so it is very much each to their own. if you like whats on xbox buy it, if you prefer the ps2 buy it! addons aside as they are just that, you dont need them to play, they are just added extras. and as for needing storage space, if you wanna store stuff and email browse the web etc, just do it on a pc you get far more out of it.

remember its just ment to entertain you, and no matter how good a game looks, its game play is what will bring you back. if you want really really good graphics go out and play some sport or play sqirmish. by more to life

plz(11:08am est sun jan 16 2005)
how can i get a hardrive to save games to for my ps2 cos it is so much easier by dave
ps2 harddrive(6:13pm est thu jan 20 2005)
hi, i just bought a mod chip and a 120 gig harddrive from newegg. i can now watch divx movies or play mp3s on my ps2 and its pretty damn sweet. also dave, you need to get a patch to allow you to save games onto the harddrive. by coyote
youy people are nuts…..(1:03pm est mon jan 24 2005)
ok let me tell every single one of you nut cases something, and listen good.

1. “every console is sold for 200+ (usd) wehn released” geez. i swear you are all like idiots.

2. the linux hdd that came with the ps2 linux kit could be used for more than that if you were deep enough into the ps2 scene. there are voluptious ammounts of loaders and crap for ps2 that no one will ever have to buy, same with the xbow same with the gamecube. i've seen modded gc's to load games from people pcs with just a network adapter, nothing else.

3. f you all can argue for two years over dumb shit like this you's need to get a life.

4. (replying to post above) you dont need a god damn patch to play games from your ps2 hd. just the hdloader mc exploit where no modding is needed (or if modded use the burnt cd method using ps2cdgen) grab winhiip from take your ps2 hd out of your system, take both connectors out of the back (the ones holding the pins to make connections: ie. master, slave, ect.) hook it up to your system, boot up windows, open winhiip (if it freezes the first time you open the app, force it closed through task manager then reload itll work fine then.) select your ps2 formatted drive if you want to install from a game you download via bt or other p2p client click add image select the game image file (i suggest making it iso or bin) after you select the ones you want installed click ok let it go. itll be done in no time. they install faster due to no speed restrictions, as for adding from cd/dvd make sure your disk is in the drive and let the settings as they are, they should load from the cd itself, install that. put your connectors back in ther right spot, put it back in your ps2 load the program you use for booting backups and there ya go. =) by ps2>gc-junkie

help(9:51am est tue jan 25 2005)
will any 40gb hd work for my ps2? i put a new hd in and my ps2 says its improperly installed why is this? by drinkdrankdrunkp
ps2 great/xbox better(10:52pm est tue feb 01 2005)
you ps2 is god luvers need to just stop. you will think ps2 is the best system in the world all the way to your grave. i bet you if the ceo of sony killed your family…you would still ride his butt. and all of this xbox only has 4 good guys must really suck at the other close to 300 available. this is just like some “white people are better than black people just because” crap. if you dont like xbox thats fine. but dont hate it just because you already have a ps2 and you would be viewed as uncool if you thought about getting one. the fact that the xbox even sold is a testimate that people still like it. and m$ didnt spend their oobles of money without comparing and researching,designing and producing it to be the worst console ever made. sony will debut the ps3 and microsoft will smartly counter it (thats what they do cant deny that)with the next xbox (xbx next or whatever it will be called). microsoft is doing what they have the most experience doing..taking over the world one home at a time. so the next xbox's will probably be better than whatever and so on after that. dont hate technology though because of a badge. you wouldnt hate awd because a car manufacturer you didnt like had it. so who cares what houses the technology…dont tattoo a brand to your back. just hop to whoever has the best and keep movin.and as far as ps2 games. everybody and their momma makes games for ps2. which doenst mean much. so what if you have 10,000 games. do you own all 10,000? and live right now is the best. if it wasnt you can sure believe that people who dont have money wouldnt strive to buy and renew every year if its soo much worse than ps2 online. just get both and play whichever one for what it does best. basically anyone who doesnt have all 3 systems cant talk. because if you have 1..then you will always only ride the bandwagon for that 1 not matter what. only open minded gamers will bye for all of their collective pluses instead of having a ” because i own it..its better” mind set. get all of them and sit down, shut up, and keep playing. by youpplareignorant
arguing for 2 years…(1:34am est mon feb 21 2005)
and you guys are still going at it…

for all you people claiming you aren't fanboys.. just read your posts. “shut up you stupid fanboys! xbox is the best system, so shut up!”

lol. this is hilarious.

for the record, i do own all 3 systems, gcn, ps2, xbox.

and the fun ranking would have to go:
1. gcn
2. ps2
3. xbox

gamecube is first, because let's face it. even though it may seem childish, it's hell of a lot more fun than the other game systems. the games deliver what game consoles are supposted to deliver: *fun*. for all you “diehard” gamers out there.. why did you get into gaming in the first place? to debate about which game console is better because of the hardware specs? hell no. you got into gaming because games were fun. and that's what the gamecube delivers. and it doesn't just appeal to one age group.. it delivers great quality games to all ages. some childish games, like luigi's mansion are available for the younger audience. and more mature titles, like eternal darkness and the resident evil series (re4 was one hell of a game, by the way) were also great games. all in all, if you want to have fun playing your games without having to go through x amount of hours to get to **the good part** the cube works well at doing just that.

i put ps2 second because i only play it for the rpgs it has (i.e. final fantasy series, xenosaga series, .hack series, etc). for all those people who absolutely love gta… i don't get it. is that game even fun? going around stealing cars? gets boring after 5-10 minutes don't you think?

xbox i put 3rd because, quite frankly, i don't really find much use for it. sure, it packs a powerhouse inside that box, but theres hardly any software to back it up because i know that they're 90% ported games or they will go to pc in the future. so i don't really get much use out of the xbox, but then again ninja gaiden is one hell of a game ^__^

so everyone should just quit arguing about which console is good. i mean come on, out of all my game systems, i still find myself playing my snes for chrono trigger and super mario rpg and illusion of gaia. 2d pixels, but it's still way more fun than any ps2 or xbox or gcn game i've played.

remember kids.. video games are supposed to be fun. a game could have perfectly life-like graphics with the best frame-rates and best effects and best sounds ever, but if it wasn't fun, then what's the point? by stoparguing

stuff(1:13am est sat mar 12 2005)
i know where you all are comeing from when you tell us to get a life, now i hardly ever use my xbox and playstation i just can't sit down that long to play it. anyway i still think xbox is alot better than ps2, i think sony realy dropped the ball on this one they could have done a lot better when they were making it. they both have there strong points and there weak points microsoft can make a kick a** concel but there games suck, sony can't make a concel worth a s*** but there games are cool and whats a cool game if the concel won't even play it i've been trying to play san andreas since christmas and it keeps giving me the same crap that there is an error and the disc can't be read but don't get me wrong xbox still has some games i'm just sayin that sony has been know for being fun microsoft hasen't been known for being fun oh and have you guyz heard of the new nintendo ds omg what crap what do you need to screens for thats like saying i'm gana go out and buy a secong t.v. to put into my living room to watch a episode of friends on thats such crap they could have put something realy cool in there but instead the put a second screen i know it may sound cool a first but you realy don't need it (yes i know its a touch screen)okay like right where the secong screen they could have put a place for small cds like with the portable playstation thats coming out, the games that it takes thay should have mage games just like that but nintendo games, so it will take two different kinds of games the old fashion games and some new games

sorry if you couldn't understand some of the stuff a was saying i'm not a very good speller and i had to replace words i didn't know how to spell with the ones i do by poop

both microsoft and sony suck!!!(6:49pm est sat apr 16 2005)
look, all you xbox guy's have to realize that microsoft sucks. i wouldn't ever even think about installing or even buying any of their products. and as for sony, you trully do pay for the name not the product. pc is the way to go!!! it's the perfect gaming platform, and can pretty much do w/e you want it to do. get real!!!! by fsb800
stick to the classics(11:52pm est tue apr 19 2005)
who cares if its a computer or not as long as you have fun with the damn system. as for me i just own a ps2 because the types of games(quantity over quality for me) i like are on it and xbox… well that's cool in all but it just seems like a pc with a alright emulator and a controller that had sex with keyboard. and yes ill go back to playing my nes fuck all that techy mumbo jumbo with the x and the new ps2 crap thats commin up.remember the classics and learn from their mistakes like xbox did with the ps2.but all systems rule bcuz competition is always ends up beign a profit for the consumer and some change is bad like those weird ass controllers.fucking stop beign a hater and start being a player! by classick btchs!
wow (1:53am est wed jun 29 2005)
ps2 and fu***** xbox rock ! why hate one when you can have both, you people must also not reliaze that the xbox can be modded into a media center pc with 250 gig hdd and play any kinda media a pc can !!
its a $80-100 media center! how can you go wrong! oh yea and the ps2 isn't as powerful as people on here make it sound!
quoting some dumba** “its so powerful it can be used as a missle guideance system”
yea thats why it only uses 29 watts of electricty! lol where do people get this sh** by bemis
aha(9:55pm est sat jul 23 2005)
heres my two cents

reasons i bought a ps2,
1. game selection
yes yes, please do ask me to list off half a million games before you're satisfied, but fuck you. my stepdad has an x-box and most of the games he has are sports games, i hate sports so i ruled that out.

second, anything i really want to play that bad is on both systems.

2. the controller is not bigger then my psone.

i'm tired of systems doing this, making the most awkward controllers god has ever seen. the x-box controller is the most awkward thing i have ever held, and i'd trade it any day for the dual shock. also, count me in as one of the upset that it won't carry to the ps3.

3. accessories

i've rarley had more then 1 other person to play a game with, i have no use for the multi-tap. as far as the memory card goes, yeah you got the 1-up there, i don't care.

gaming, well yeah you have to shell out for the accessories for it, but theres no subsciption fee.

4. support of psone games
well, i had the system before it and kept all my titles, so i went with the next generation system. keep this in mind, its a really bad move that not all x-box games will play on the x-box 360.

anyways, fine love your x-box, that is your right, but don't critize me for owning a ps2, thats where my money went in the market and nothing your mouth will say will change my mind. by steve

rant about systems(10:35am est fri aug 05 2005)
i don't care who owns a xbox, ps2, or gamecube. each systems is good in their own ways. i own all three systems and i like each one of them. i like the xbox becuase of xbox live, thats the only time i play the system. i like the ps2 because the fact i have ps1 games and i loved by old rpgs that came out on the system also some of the current ones. i liked the gamecube because of the technology they were able to condinse into a small device. also because of some of the games that came out with it, like re4 which will be on the ps2 anyway later 2005 and will look much better also zelda for the cube. so please quite blamming other people just because they don't own the system that you have. just shut up about it ok. i get enough of it everyday as it is.
the only reason why people try to say “oh the xbox is better because it has better graphics than the ps2” so what i don't care. to me graphics don't matter its the gameplay that counts. anyway i though i would just get that out. by eric (link282)
ps2 slim(4:54pm est tue nov 22 2005)
i herd that you can get an external hard drive for this. u plug it in ur usb port and u can save games and files. problem is that its not legal. so ps2 slim does have a hard drive if u noe were to look. does any wun noe were to find them? they would realy come in handy. by slik
fsb800(4:57pm est tue nov 22 2005)
ur a fool. computers are made by microsoft dumass. what are guna get an apple? ye thats the way to go. and sony has good games and ps2 is agood system so u hafta relize that ur the onliwun hoo sucks here by slik
learn to spell, jackass.(8:07am est tue mar 07 2006)
“fsb800 (4:57pm est tue nov 22 2005)
ur a fool. computers are made by microsoft dumass. what are guna get an apple? ye thats the way to go. and sony has good games and ps2 is agood system so u hafta relize that ur the onliwun hoo sucks here – by slik”
1. you're.
2. capital c for computers because it is a start of a sentence.
3. microsoft is a company and deserves a capital letter.
4. dumbass – if you are going to insult somebody, spell it right.
5. capital w for what because its a start of a sentence.
6. the entire sentence “what are guna get an apple?” doesn't even make sense, perhaps you have missed a word.. i don't know because i cannot understand your terrible english.
7. i don't have the time to correct each spelling mistake.
8. wtf is onliwun, sounds like a mexicans name.
if you are going to post atleast take a bit of time to spell and use proper grammar, or do you not learn that until the 3rd grade? by concerned by slik
hacking(3:27pm est sun apr 09 2006)
how do you hack into your computer to download games and how do you hack into your ps2 to puit games on it. by nick van

Tempat Download Game Ps2 Hardisk

hmm(6:53pm est sun apr 09 2006)
for the people who said they don't want to play “computer games” on a 15″ monitor, you can just hook up your pc to the tv, if it's a decent tv (and pc) anyway.. i have a plenty big enough “tv” with a projector and 100″ screen hooked up to my pc, hl2 will never be the same..

and for the xbox vs ps2 argument, i don't own a xbox for the simple fact that 95% of the good games (unless you like sports games) on it are already on pc, ps2, or gamecube (which all have plenty of exlusives, and very good exclusives, unlike the xbox). by bla bla

transfere games to hdd(5:19pm est thu sep 07 2006)
can anybody tell me how to transfere a game(disc) to hard drive on the playstation 2 hdd tried but don't work system sees the hdd just don't know how to transfere it by sam
no way in hell is xbox better than ps2(6:19pm est sun sep 24 2006)
any idiot out there knows that ps2 has outsold xbox by a big margin. and when playstation3 comes out. everyone will completely forget about xbox360 by da man


This is the hardware you will need to make your PS2 play games directly from an installed hard drive:

  1. Original Playstation 2 / PS2 (larger type not the slimline) - doesnt need to be modified or chipped
  2. PS2 Network Adapter
  3. Suitable IDE Hard Drive (outlined below)
  4. Boot Software (outlined below)
  5. Some games to copy over
Note: You can install a hard drive into the smaller Slim-Line PS2 but you require an IDE hard drive installation kit instead of the network adapter or a case modification - this isnt ideal.

Why would I want to have a hard drive in my PS2?

Sony originally thought of the idea of adding a hard drive to enable users to save network settings and game saves and downloads. But there is a much better advantage it will give you. The main one being after you have copied your games over to the hard drive you no longer require the game so you can sell it or store it as a backup - up to you! Other is the PS2 can load from the hard drive ALOT faster than it can read a game cd/dvd so your games will load and play alot faster - less waiting at the loading screens. Since you PS2 will lonly read the boot disc for a few seconds then plays from the hard drive there is significantly less wear on the lense and mechanism meaning your console will last longer. The great advantage I find is you have all your games instantly available in a quick and easy to use menu - you just click and go.

Suitable hard drives:

I would go for a Maxtor or a Seagate (needs to be IDE not SATA) as shown below, as they are identical fitting to the standard Sony drives originally sold (which were just generic ide hard drives anyway):

You can try other hard drives if you have an old one sitting about but if not you can get the smaller IDE hard drives quite cheap now. I wouldnt really go for more than a 250GB one as if its too large it may not be supported. I dont know the exact size limit but 250GB is more than 80 games (obviously depends on type of games).

Boot Software

This is required to start the PS2 and give you your menu to choose and load the games from the installed hard drive. There are a couple of different options for this (made by different people) they are quite similiar:

Download Game Playstation 2 Hard Disk

HDLoader package and screen menu:

HD Advance package and screen menu:

Installing the hard drive:

The network adapter will push fit into the hard drives connections giving it power and data via the IDE connection as shown:

Now you can slide the hard drive into the rear of your PS2 console by removing the Expansion Bay cover and sliding the hard drive in and then by gently tightening the two securing screws on the rear.
Now all you need to do is turn on your PS2 (you will hear the hard drive start to spin but it wont be accessed just yet). Insert your boot disk then restart your PS2.
You will need to format your hard drive first through the format option on the screen. You then go to convert and it will ask you to insert your game disc. It will scan the disc and ask you to type in a name - this is what it will show in the menu. Then you select accept and it will copy the game over to the hard drive (for a dvd game it will take about 30-40mins). After it is done you can eject the game and you are done. You can now select it from the menu and play. You will need to leave your boot disc in the PS2 all the time to load the menu. If you want to play a normal game then you of course remove the boot disc and just put in the normal game and start it up.

If this guide has been remotely useful or informative to you please VOTE YES below. Thanks