Force Wsus To Download Updates

  1. This How To will outline WSUS client commands and settings to use in your environment. Automatically queue updates for download via BITS, and automatically.
  2. That's the command to use, but it won't force a download, it just makes the client check in with WSUS and ensure it's interfacing with it. The downloads happen based on the clients' Windows Update settings.
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This How To will outline WSUS client commands and settings to use in your environment.

Forcing Automatic Updates to Download. Click the 'Change Settings' link that appears on the left of the Windows Update screen to control how updates are downloaded and installed. When you set up SUS or WSUS you are prompted to set a specific time to check for and download updates to the server. There may be some instances however where you need to force this process. This often comes up when you first setup your SUS/WSUS server and want to test whether or not a client system can contact and update from your SUS/WSUS server. By far, the single most common cause for updates that have been approved failing to download to the WSUS server is because an intervening device (proxy, webfilter, router) is not configured to fully support the HTTP v1.1 protocol specification (which, btw, is now 13 years old) with respect to Range Protocol Headers.

1 Steps total

Force Wsus Update Command Line


Step 1: Options and Commands

The wuauclt /detectnow option initiates a detection on all systems, the behavioral differences are a function of the setting of the Configure Automatic Updates policy.

If AUOption='4' (as you have for your workstations), the command will detect available updates, automatically queue updates for download via BITS, and automatically schedule those updates for installation at the configured time when the download has been successfully completed.

If AUOption='3' (Notify for Install), the command will detect available updates, automatically queue updates for download via BITS, and then (on WinXP/2003) present a notification to any logged on Administrator inviting them to install the updates or (on Vista and later) present and enable the Install Updates button in the Control Panel WUApp for any user who is not restricted from installing updates.

If AUOption='2' (Notify for Download), the command will detect available updates and (on WinXP/2003) present a notification to any logged on Administrator inviting them to download the updates or (on Vista and later) --- Hmm... actually, I've never personally see the WUApp on a machine configured with AUOption-'2'! --- but my expectation would be that the WUApp presents a 'Download Now' button, rather than an 'Install Now' button.

By default, the WUAgent executes a detection 17.6-22.0 hours after the completion of the previous regular detection event. Using wuauclt /detectnow causes the previously scheduled detection to be 'rescheduled' 17.6-22.0 hours after the completion of the on-demand event. The detection interval can be configured in policy to a shorter interval, but should be matched (logically) with your server synchronization event, and your approval processes. If your server is set to synchronize once-per-day, and your approval process is not a daily occurrence, there is NO value in setting the interval to a shorter value. If your server is set to synchronize more than once per day and you approve updates on a daily basis, there may be value in setting the detection interval to a shorter period, consistent with the server synchronization interval.

Force Detection of Updates and Report to the WSUS Server:
wuauclt.exe /detectnow /reportnow

Force wsus download all updates

Windows Update Log (Checking Errors/Process Status):

Cleanup all cached files and force detection:
net stop wuauserv
rmdir /S /Q C:winntsoftwaredistribution
net start wuauserv
wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow

Force Wsus To Download Updates Windows 10

Delete winhttpproxy settings:
proxycfg -d

wuauclt /detectnow /register /reportnow

Published: Jul 03, 2013 ยท Last Updated: Jul 08, 2013


  • Chipotle
    Wisecup Feb 5, 2015 at 01:14am

    Very helpful. I thank you for sharing your findings, Marques.

  • Poblano
    beechmeup Jun 21, 2016 at 09:38am

    Thank you for this. Soo informative. Have a nice day

  • Pimiento
    fangyong Jun 25, 2016 at 03:33am

    Thank you . This is a useful article . I faced the same problem and it was resolved.